Labels:audio cd | cd r | chair | compact disk | crt screen | disk | door | fence | magnetic disk | monitor | person | sky | traffic light | tree | windowpane OCR: MAC /IBM 1997 VOLUME 234 FEBRUARY Macintosh Windows users users "open the run Information STARTWIN.E CHIL DREN'S DOS users run START.EX FTWARE -4:00p t: 619-930-7303 Published by Place, Software of the THEMONTH Carsbad,CA Morith Clubs 92008 CLUB Monday lnc -Friday 8:30an 5816 Dryden Phone 619-930-7300 www somc. .com Founded 1985 1985 Services:619-930 -1997S S-0-M 7301 -CGroup 8:30am -4:00pm Pacifi Time Membership I usefud with the program authors Pacific